the past couple weeks this studying of God’s Word have been resting on me and I
believe God wants us to correctly understand why it is so important and the
wisdom component of studying. I want to debunk this teaching or knowledge of,
that Holy Spirit does it all so long as we believe in Him you know so long as
we believe, all of Him shall just flow out from us like we are not also called
to be responsible for this outpouring of His Spirit. Holy Spirit can only use what we put in. He has
been greatly distorted and made out to be some type of magic genie. These men
and women spent personal time in studying Christ, in Matthew 19:27 they
sacrificed they all, to know and study Him, if no sacrifice is made there is no
indwelling of God, no relationship with Him, if partial sacrifice we continue
to fall in sin but we are called to this sacrificing of ourselves as a
continuous portion in our lives that we must endeavor (we must make a sincere
effort) always, also we are called to deny ourselves and know Him more and more
personal every day. God lives, speaks wisdom, He is Wisdom and He expects His
followers to act accordingly. The Word is always telling us to subject, deny
ourselves, mortify our members, crucify the flesh and if there be any more
admonitions (warnings) all others rest on attaining victory over the flesh, the
world and the devil and pursuing a relationship with Him, the writer of the 42nd
Psalm said it much more wonderful “As the deer panteth after for the water brooks,
so panteth my soul after Thee O God.” Not to just pursue but to seek after Him
with much intensity, with all our hearts, soul, mind and strength, everything that
is within us.
We have our Bibles always when we meet but
outside of Sundays it is rarely ever used or studied. Why? Laziness, indiscipline,
bible not no; 1 choice for living, mood swings and movie Christianity,
Categories of why people refuse to study
too old in the faith
let the new ones do the study
does not have time
Need to see results
immediately, something that works now, treat studying like a job I put in 40
hours a week and receives a salary at the end of the week. If I discipline
myself enough I need to see literally Holy Spirit manifesting worldly stuff in
my life.
I’m just an ordinary
Christian believer, studying are for those in leadership roles
Doesn’t seem to be
interesting, when presenting people seem to prefer to talk about sports or what
is in the happening.
Just content to be in the faith
And the number 1
culprit: don’t know how to= needs to be instructed
all these reasons it is crucial that we grow and mature and be effective
2 Timothy 2:15 in the
Amplified reads study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to
God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed,
correctly analyzing and accurately dividing {rightly handling and skillfully
teaching} the Word of Truth.
Greek word for study is spoudazo (spoo-dad-za) definition to make effort, be
prompt or earnest, be diligent, endeavor, labour, study. When God told the
successor to Moses in Joshua 1:8 never to let this book depart out of his mouth
but to meditate (Greek word meletao-mel-et-ah-o= revolve in the mind) therein
day and night God meant just what He had said all those thousands of years ago
and is still saying continuously to His followers up to this very day, not only
during church fellowship but at home, work, wheresoever you may be, memorizing
scripture is beautiful and is perfect when there can be no books. Just as you breathe in the natural the same process
should be apply to this Book. Acts 17:11 shows us how these Christians were
more noble (pertaining to or having quality attributes of nobility) in the Word
daily, studying diligently with all readiness of mind. As believers in Christ we are called to
rightly divide the Word of Truth as I read in 2 Timothy 2:15, one who needeth
not to be ashamed, one who out of his treasure brings forth things of new and
old Matthew 13:52.
is very simple to interpret and applied only if we have the correct tools to
expand the text. A good bible dictionary, a concordance, a book of the
Jewish customs , a modern English bible
but if you prefer the older English it is okay, just a modern one gives a much
more clearer outlook and the language is so much closer to ours in the 21st
century. And of course we need Holy Spirit for without Him we just have a
storybook, a cartoon, a hero’s book; the bible can be shape into whatsoever
without GOD leading us and I am sure we all can see that this Book is seldom
use for the purpose it was truly designed for; that is
to bring mankind back to God 1 Peter 3:18.
understanding and knowledge have to begin from foundation, right from the
beginning; that is your approach to the text, it is so easy to go off stream so
there are rules which governs the Bible which is known as hermeneutics that is
the spiritual practice of Bible study and interpretation; because there
are rules which govern its use it is a science. And because knowing the rules
is not enough it also is an art (requiring skill), so correct interpretation
should always give you an answer to “how do I understand the meaning of a
passage of Scripture.”
To interpret the Bible correctly is to
humbly seek the Lord and listen to what Holy Spirit Himself has breathed into
the text—to find what the text itself is saying, and then draw the meaning out
of the passage yes we need to
remain in context with the settings the author have put in place to a particular
verse +chapter +book, the surrounding verses and the subject at hand, and the
history and social setting, when the event took place and what was spoken, this
is called exegesis. Usually we approach a text with our own preconceived
meaning thinking we understand it and in reinforcing a point we take it
completely out of the order the author had originally intended, losing the
meaning entirely and in doing that many faith is made shipwreck, this is called
eisegesus. Matter of fact we need to keep verse+ chapter+ book completely in
line with the others books in the Bible meaning that Scripture must interpret
Scripture also from the other letter writers and always treat the entire Bible
as a whole. In allowing the Bible to speak for itself there shall never be any
errors. Again in
the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be establish. 2
Corinthians 13:1.
application, knowing Scripture and obeying it goes hand in hand, it doesn’t
make any sense in knowing and studying Scripture if you do not apply it into
your life, we see Scripture revealing His people from the beginning of time
even knowing and studying the Word and refusing to apply It in their lives we
see the end result, together these are the beginnings of a godly life leading
you to be filled with Holy Spirit growingly, and the more you are filled with His
Spirit the more the desire to study His Word. It is a cycle like how we eat, we
eat everyday maybe at least 3-5 times a day and the more consumed, we grow in
strength and blossom in the natural so in the spiritual, the more we consume
His Word we are filled with His Spirit spiraling toward Him, we then gradually leave
the principles of the doctrine of Christ moving on to perfection for those who
by reason of use have our senses and mental faculties trained to discern
between what is morally good, noble and what is evil and contrary either to
divine or human law.
is an absolute necessity, because of our human nature and studying God’s Word,
in 1 Corinthians 2:14-3:3 Paul teaches us that the
unbeliever and immature believer are limited in their ability to understand
spiritual things, therefore prayer is very vital, it bridges the gap
that separates us from understanding the things of God, by asking Holy Spirit to teach us (John 14:26; 16:13). Again I
say without insight from God we cannot grow, remember what Paul told Timothy in
2 Timothy 2:7 this is the same insight we need from God.
sense also must be applied in studying as the Bible must be interpreted to a
certain extent like any other book but under the control of Holy Spirit, the Lord
did not create robots, He expects us to think, use all these human qualities He
have given unto us for we are fearfully and wonderfully made, again only under
the influence of God.
Observation: Do I understand
the basic facts of the passage such as the meaning of all the words?
Interpretation: What did the
author mean in his own historical setting?
Evaluation: What does this
passage mean in today’s culture?
Application: How can I apply
what I have learned to how I live my life?
is breathe out from God and is given for four reasons:
for doctrine -to know what
to believe
for reproof -to
discern what not to believe
for correction -to learn what
not to do
4) for instructions
in righteousness -to understand what
should be done
we don’t know what the Bible says how can we interpret and apply it? God knew
today’s world would not allow us to be as disciplined as we should, so Christ gave gifts to men when He ascended on high according
to His own heart to help perfect the saints who shall feed us with His knowledge
and understanding Jeremiah 3:15 which is equal to Wisdom then we study
these things and apply them in our lives.
God by faith is good but to further ourselves through faith that we can
carefully expound the Word is truly what God requires, so let us always strike
a balance for we are strangers and foreigners on this earth and we must be able to give an answer to everyman that asketh
us for a reason of the hope that is in us 1 Peter 3:15. So let’s strive
to equip ourselves with all that He has given unto us.
requires a vessel fit for the master to use, one without spot or wrinkle or any
such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish Ephesians 5:27
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